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    Much as contemporary fashion fans try to emulate her outfits, there's something inimitable about Princess Diana's style. 

    Capturing the spirit of her sometimes quirky off-duty looks is a tricky beast to nail – no one did it quite like the princess.

    But now, a Princess Diana style superfan can quite literally embody her dress sense, as her iconic black sheep sweater, created by knitwear label Warm & Wonderful, just sold for a record amount via Sotheby's in New York.

    Originally expected to fetch between $50,000 and $80,000, the vibrant red jumper – which features rows of cute white sheep with one contrasting black one as its focal point – sold for an incredible $1.1 million (£920,000). That's more than 14 times the asking price. 

    The winning bidder, who remains unidentified, must be pleased to have set a new world record for the largest sum ever paid at auction for a piece of knitwear (the previous record, set in 2019, was $334,000 for a green cardigan worn by late Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain).

    As well, it's officially the most expensive item of Diana's clothing to have ever gone under the hammer, beating out a purple Victor Edelstein evening gown that sold for $604,800 at auction earlier this year. 
    此外,这也是戴安娜有史以来最昂贵的服装,击败了今年早些时候在拍卖会上以60.48万美元成交的紫色Victor Edelstein晚礼服。

    Princess Diana first debuted the stylish farmyard-themed sweater in 1981 when she wore it to watch her then-fiancé Prince Charles play polo.

    The playful design was created by Sally Muir and Joanna Osbourne, who established their knitwear label, Warm & Wonderful, in 1979. Extensive media coverage of Princess Diana's stylish knit catapulted their independent brand into the fashion stratosphere.
    这个有趣的设计是由Sally Muir和Joanna Osbourne创作的,他们于1979年创立了针织品品牌Warm&Wonderful。媒体对戴安娜王妃时尚针织的广泛报道使他们的独立品牌一跃成为时尚的巅峰。

    A few weeks after the jumper's famous outing, the brand received a letter from Buckingham Palace seeking either a repair or a replacement, explaining that the knit has been damaged. 

    Warm & Wonderful obliged, sending a new piece and reuniting Princess Diana with her much-loved sheep design. 

    The designers assumed the original piece had been repaired and sent out to a different customer until March of this year. Joanna was searching through her attic when she came across a box containing the sheep sweater and after extensive analysis, Sotheby's auction house confirmed that the piece once belonged to the princess. 
      上一篇:乔治王子和夏洛特公主最喜爱的电影和电视节目揭晓 下一篇:78岁的明星安吉娜·瑞彭也对健康感到担忧

