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    Alec Baldwin is reflecting on his sobriety journey and being 39 years drug-free.

    The actor, 66, appeared on the May 1 episode of the Our Way with Paul Anka and Skip Bronson podcast to talk about his life and career. “I don't discuss this a lot,” he admitted when asked about whether he drinks alcohol. “I discuss it every now and then when it makes sense. I'm 39 years sober. I got sober Feb. 23, 1985.”
    这位66岁的演员在5月1日播出的《Paul Anka and Skip Bronson Our Way》播客节目中谈到了他的生活和事业。当被问及他是否喝酒时,他承认:“我不怎么讨论这个问题。”“我偶尔会在有意义的时候讨论一下。我已经39年没喝酒了。我是1985年2月23日戒酒的。”

    Baldwin recalled moving from his native New York City to Los Angeles in 1983, telling hosts Anka and Bronson, “I had a white-hot problem every day for two years. I think I snorted a line of cocaine from here to Saturn.”

    He and his friends in Hollywood, he continued, “did one on the rings of Saturn, then we came home — we took it back home. I mean, cocaine was like coffee back then. Everybody was doing it all day long.”

    Then, he said, “because I stopped doing drugs, my drinking increased, which they tell you is going to happen. And that did happen. I just started drinking.”
      上一篇:艾米丽·布朗特说与丈夫约翰·卡拉辛斯基保持“联系”是婚姻的关键 下一篇:克里斯·海姆斯沃斯透露,他的哥哥利亚姆也将出演雷神的角色,但不是同时出演

