Exercise 练一练
1. The expression from the word go means:
a) before something starts
b) from the very beginning
c) at the very end
2. Which pop group did Nina love from the word go?
3. Which words are often used to start a race?
Script 文本阅读
You’re listening to British Council’s English Online and I’m Nina. Today on Language Snacks we take a look at the expression from the word go. Let’s listen to the dialogue.
您现在收听的是英国领事馆英语在线栏目,我是尼娜。今天的语言小点心节目我们来学一下from the word 'go'这个短语,一起来听下面的对话。
A: Are you enjoying your new job? You've been there about 3 months now, haven't you?
B: Yes, it's great! I'm doing lots of interesting projects and the other people are very friendly.
A: Oh, that's nice! I bet it was a bit difficult to settle into a new company at first though, wasn't it?
B: Actually, not at all. I loved it on my first day and everyone helped me from the word go.
Some things have an immediate and instant effect. The first time I heard The Beatles, for example, I loved their music from the word go. This expression means 'from the very beginning'.
The part about 'the word go' always reminds me of how you say 'ready, steady, go!' to start a race, but nobody knows exactly where this expression comes from originally. It is, however, a very common and useful idiom in British English today. So, next time you're speaking English, why not try to use this expression from the word go!
短语当中的”the word go“ 总是让我想到跑步比赛时说”ready, steady, go!“(各就各位,预备,跑!),但就究竟这个短语源自哪里还未可知。这句短语在现在的英国英语中可是非常常见且常用的哦。那么,下次说英语时,试着把from the word go用进去吧!
And that’s it for now – join us again for some more Language Snacks.
You’ve been listening to English Online – the podcast for English learners in China.
Key 参考答案
1. b
2. The Beatles
3. 'ready, steady, go!'