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    For Kim and Lipnitskaya, a Possible Date With History


    SOCHI, Russia — Kim Yu-na had arrived on a long flight from South Korea to defend her Olympic figure skating title. This was her first practice, near dusk on Thursday, and dozens of reporters and photographers recorded every jump and spin and mop of the brow. The whir of cameras made a hushed, clattering sound like cards in the spokes of a bicycle tire.

    俄罗斯索契——金妍儿(Kim Yu-na)经过长途飞行从韩国抵达了索契,她将迎来冬奥会花样滑冰项目的卫冕之战。这是她在索契的首次训练,周四,黄昏将至的时候,几十名记者和摄影师记录下了她的每次跳跃、旋转,甚至每次拭去额上汗水的瞬间。工作中的摄像机发出连续而清脆的声音,就像硬纸片在转动的自行车轮辐条间发出的声响。

    Afterward, Kim was asked about her presumed top challenger, 15-year-old Yulia Lipnitskaya, whose poise, youthful jumping, blurring spins and gymnastic flexibility helped lift Russia to a team gold medal and made her an international sensation.

    然后,金妍儿被问到了与她的最大挑战者——15岁的尤利娅·利普尼茨卡娅(Yulia Lipnitskaya)有关的问题。利普尼茨卡娅淡定的姿态、富有活力的跳跃、令人目不暇接的旋转,以及体操运动员般的灵活性,帮助俄罗斯夺得了花样滑冰团体赛的金牌,在世界范围引起了轰动。

    Women’s skating does not begin until Wednesday, but anticipation has been growing since last month when an emergent Lipnitskaya won the European championship. This is probably the most eagerly awaited competition of the Winter Games.


    Yes, Kim said through an interpreter, she had watched Lipnitskaya compete in the team event on television before leaving Seoul, the South Korean capital. But Kim, 23, would not compare herself to anyone, except to say that this would be her second and final Olympics, while it would be Lipnitskaya’s first.


    “The meaning is different,” Kim said.


    Kim could become only the third woman after Sonja Henie of Norway (1928, 1932, 1936) and Katarina Witt of East Germany (1984, 1988) to win consecutive gold medals. Lipnitskaya would be the youngest gold medalist since Tara Lipinski, who was also 15 when she defeated Michelle Kwan at the 1998 Winter Games in Nagano, Japan.

    金妍儿或许能成为继挪威的桑雅·赫尼(Sonja Henie, 1928, 1932, 1936) 和东德的卡特琳娜·维特(Katarina Witt, 1984, 1988)之后第三位蝉联冬奥会冠军的女子花滑运动员。利普尼茨卡娅则可能成为塔拉·利平斯基(Tara Lipinski)之后最年轻的花滑奥运金牌得主,后者1998年在日本长野冬奥会上打败了关颖珊,当时也是15岁。

    “To knock an Olympic champion off the top spot of the podium is going to take a lot,” said Kristi Yamaguchi, the 1992 Olympic champion.

    1992年的奥运冠军克丽斯蒂·山口(Kristi Yamaguchi)说,“要把一名奥运冠军从最高领奖台上拉下来是要付出很多努力的。”

    “Yu-na will have to make mistakes for Lipnitskaya to beat her, but it’s possible.”


    Each skater has her strengths and vulnerabilities. Kim is both a champion and a mystery. At the 2010 Vancouver Games, she gave one of the greatest Olympic performances ever delivered. At her best, Kim has an ethereal command on the ice, whispery speed, helicoptering height and graceful flow on her jumps. Last March, after seldom competing during the season, she won the world championship decisively.


    “She can do a simple move, and it has you on the edge of your seat,” Yamaguchi said.


    Yet, Kim missed weeks of training and the entire international Grand Prix circuit in the fall while recovering from a metatarsal injury in her right foot. She has competed only at a less visible event in Zagreb, Croatia, and at the South Korean national championship.

    然而,由于右脚跖骨伤病的恢复,金妍儿在秋季错过了好几周的训练和国际滑冰联盟花样滑冰大奖赛(Grand Prix)的全部比赛。她只在克罗地亚的萨格勒布参加了一个不太知名的赛事,以及韩国锦标赛。

    Her practices here have been impressive, but there will be no day of rest between the short and long program, no time to recover physically and emotionally, which left the conclusion of the Olympic men’s competition drained and messy.


    “Who knows what Yu-na Kim is going to show up?” said Paul Wylie, the 1992 Olympic silver medalist. “She could just take all the air out of the room, but I think she’s going to struggle against a perfect performance from Lipnitskaya.”

    1992年冬奥会银牌得主保罗·怀利(Paul Wylie)说,“谁知道金妍儿会有怎样的表现。她可能让所有人激动得无法呼吸,但我认为,她也可能因为利普尼茨卡娅的完美表现而经历一场艰苦卓绝的比赛。”

    There is a diffidence about Kim, a sense that these Games are as much about a closing of a career as an opening to history. She said she was more focused on taking part than winning. When asked about Henie and Witt, Kim said, “A lot of time has passed and our abilities are different.”


    Kim does have at least two potential advantages over Lipnitskaya: maturity and experience. She breezily handled the pressure of the Olympics in Vancouver and has grown accustomed to dealing with widespread celebrity, which can pin a person like a butterfly to a spreading board.


    She is one of South Korea’s most popular athletes, featured on billboards and in television commercials for products like cosmetics, fine jewelry, air-conditioners and fabric softener. Some popular South Korean actors and boy-band members have said they would love to date her.


    There is a gravity about Kim, too. As a good-will ambassador for Unicef, she has donated money to earthquake victims in Haiti, typhoon victims in the Philippines and children displaced by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan.


    “She can handle whatever’s thrown at her,” Lipinski said. “Her lifestyle is probably so different than any of these other skaters. That’s an advantage. She’s had to learn to deal with so many things and still stay calm.”


    Composure is also one of the most impressive aspects of Lipnitskaya’s skating. Contrary to what many people believe, Lipinski said from personal experience, young skaters are not fearless and immune to pressure.


    “If anything, I think the young ones have it harder,” Lipinski said.


    “They don’t have the experience to put things into perspective. When you’re young, it’s your entire life. When you step on the ice, it’s not like, ‘Oh, I’m here for a party.’ It’s intimidating.”


    Lipnitskaya’s intense, blinkered drive has led to a reputation for haughtiness. In Moscow, where she returned to train after the team competition, her mother, Daniela, told The Associated Press, “I’m almost afraid she’s going to mouth off to someone. She’s a girl with character; she’s capable of that.”

    利普尼茨卡娅激烈而偏颇的举动为她带来了为人傲慢的名声。团体赛后,她回到莫斯科接受训练,她的母亲丹妮拉(Daniela)对美联社(The Associated Press)说,“我几乎害怕她会对某人出言不逊。她是一个有个性的女孩;她有可能这么做。”

    She is said to be devastated if she misses even a few minutes of practice time, a teenage obsession that Lipinski said she found familiar. Yet there is also something adult about Lipnitskaya, a depth of emotion and an actor’s sense of drama.


    It was evident in the way Lipnitskaya put on a baseball cap to celebrate Russia’s team victory before an adoring crowd at Iceberg Skating Palace. And it was especially so in her gestures of grim endurance and failed hope in portraying an ultimately doomed Jewish girl in a red coat from the Holocaust movie “Schindler’s List.”

    她的言行明显表现了这一点,在冰山滑冰中心(Iceberg Skating Palace),她在一群崇拜者面前戴上了一顶棒球帽,以庆贺俄罗斯队在团体赛中获胜。她在用动作刻画最终在劫难逃的红衣犹太女孩那种坚韧不拔的意志和希望破灭的感受时,这一点更是尤为明显,这个女孩的原型来自叙述大屠杀的电影《辛德勒的名单》(Schindler’s List)。

    “She’s kind of got that old soul in her for 15,” Yamaguchi said.


    And lest anyone forget, also competing is Mao Asada of Japan, the reigning Olympic silver medalist, who has struggled with her triple axel but who is an engagingly lyrical skater.

    大家不要忘了,还有一名竞争对手是日本的浅田真央(Mao Asada),她是卫冕奥运亚军,她一直在为完成三周半跳动作而努力,而且,她是一名表演风格抒情的迷人选手。

    “If she skates well,” Yamaguchi said, “I think she has all the necessary things to be Olympic champion.”


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