中国金牌过百奖牌超两百 向残奥会运动员致敬!
教程:体育界  浏览:470  
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      China won three team events on Friday and nine in total as they edged closer to a century of gold medals at the Rio Paralympics.


      The Asian nation finished the ninth day of competition with 93 gold, 74 silver and 49 bronze medals, ahead of Britain (58 gold), Ukraine (38), the United States (36) and Australia (17).


      Two of China’s team victories came in table tennis and the other in wheelchair fencing.


      In one of the most entertaining gold medal deciders of the Rio Games, China defeated Germany 2-1 to clinch the table tennis men’s team class 3 title.


      Germany’s Thomas Schmidberger and Thomas Bruchle won the opening doubles encounter against Feng Panfeng and Zhao Ping 3-0 (11-9, 11-8, 11-6).


      Feng then beat Schmidberger 3-0 (11-5, 11-9, 11-4) before Zhai Xiang overcame Bruchle Thomas in a gripping five-setter 11-9, 11-6, 6-11, 9-11, 11-5.

      在随后的比赛中,冯攀峰以3-0横扫了施米德贝格尔(比分分别为11-5,11-9,11-4),翟翔在一场扣人心弦的五局比赛中击败了布切尔,比分分别为11-9, 11-6, 6-11, 9-11, 11-5。

      China’s other table tennis team success came in the CL 1-3 final, in which Li Qian and Xue Juan defeated Andela Muzinic and Helena Dretar Karic of Croatia.


      The Chinese pair won the doubles encounter 3-0 (11-6, 11-2, 11-4) before Li wrapped up the tie with a 3-1 (11-3, 11-5, 11-13, 11-5) singles victory over Muzinic.

      中国组合3-0横扫了其双打对手(比分分别为11-6, 11-2, 11-4),随后李倩在单打比赛中,以3-1击败了对手安德烈(比分分别为11-3, 11-5, 11-13, 11-5)。

      In the wheelchair fencing men’s foil team final, China’s Ye Ruyi, Sun Gang and Hu Daoliang defeated Poland’s Michal Nalewajek, Dariusz Pender and Jacek Gaworski 45-27.


      There were also gold medals for China in swimming, athletics and archery.


      Huang Wenpan broke his own world record in the men’s 150m individual medley SM3 to claim his fifth gold medal in Rio.


      Huang touched the wall in two minutes 40.19 seconds, to eclipse his previous record by almost three seconds. Ukraine’s Dmytro Vynohradets took silver in 2:40.75 and Du Jianping bronze in 2:52.32.


      Huang’s other victories here came in the 200m freestyle S3, 50m breaststroke SB2, 50m freestyle S3 and the mixed 4x50m freestyle 20 points.


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