Farewell, Duke
Today I'm declaring for the NBA draft. So I'm thinking back about my year at Duke and everything that led to where I am today.
The first thing that jumps into my mind is the day I got a call from Coach K. You don't forget that day. He was coming to Kinston, N.C. To my house. It was my junior year of high school.
Coach K pulled out his phone. It's an iPhone 6. For some reason, I'd never considered that Coach K even owned a phone. Not to mention an iPhone 6. But anyway, he said:
他掏出他的手机,一部iPhone 6。出于某种原因,我从没想过老K教练会用手机,更别说是iPhone 6了。总之,他说:
"You've got a good Instagram."
Huh? I'm thinking it's some kind of joke. Or maybe that I posted something I shouldn't have?
"Tell me what this means to you," he said, pointing to a quote I had written as a caption for a photo.
The quote was, "Stay hungry and stay humble."
Before he left, Coach K said something that I haven't forgotten.
"I can only promise you one thing: The next level will be an adjustment. I can't guarantee that you'll start for me, but you'll have a shot."
That really made an impact on me.
But after he left, I thought more about it, and it started to make sense. I wanted to work for my spot, and he wanted the same thing for me.
Coach K was right about a couple of things. Adjusting to the next level was harder than I expected. The truth is, I really struggled for the first few months of the season.
He wasn't mad. He was calm, just like he was at my house.
"Where's that hungry kid I recruited? Show me that kid."
My time is almost over here in Durham. Today as I declare for the NBA Draft, I'm both excited and sad about this moment.
On one hand, one year at Duke isn't a very long time. I know that. But I've done a lot of growing, and growing up, in that time. I know by leaving I'll miss out on a lot of friendships and opportunities. I'll really miss all the students who showed me so much love. One of my favorite parts of the Duke basketball tradition is the high-five line at the end of home games.