Victor: Hi,大家好,我是Victor,
Nancy: Nancy!
Victor: 今天我们讨论的Topic是:
Nancy:She likes doing pub quizzes.
Victor: 她喜欢玩pub quizzes
Nancy:In school, a quiz is like a small test, but a pub quiz is more fun. A pub is the British name for a bar, and pub quiz means a game that you play with teams. A quiz master asks questions, your team answers them and plays against other teams, who ever wins can win prizes, usually alcohol.
Victor: 这个游戏很有意思,主持人问问题,每个队都要回答并且和其他队竞争,获胜的通常会有酒喝。
Nancy:She likes doing pub quizzes.
Victor:She likes doing pub quizzes.
Nancy: That’s all for today. See you!
Victor: See you!