今天我们要学的词是refute. Refute is spelled r-e-f-u-t-e, refute. Refute 的意思是驳斥,反驳。比如,I was able to refute his argument. 我反驳了他的观点。A new discovery by archaeologists refutes the idea that the Mayans predicted the world will end on December 21st, 2012. 人类学家的一项新发现驳倒了关于玛雅人预言2012年12月21日是世界末日的说法。美国演员约翰•屈夫塔被控性侵一位按摩治疗师,His representatives have released a photograph and restaurant receipt to refute the accusation. 他的代理人公布了一张照片和一张餐厅消费收据,以反驳对他的指控。好的,今天我们学习的词是refute, refute, refute...