今天我们要学的词是captivity. Captivity is spelled c-a-p-t-i-v-i-t-y, captivity. Captivity 名词,意思是囚禁,束缚。In Turkey, two dolphins who were rescued from a filthy pool at a tourism resort were released back into the wild after years in captivity. 在土耳其,两只从旅游渡假村的肮脏游泳池中获救的海豚被放生回大海,在这之前的几年中,它们一直被人类豢养。在美国,三年前在两伊边界地区爬山时被当间谍 关起来的一男一女最近结为夫妻。据悉,The groom proposed while they were held in captivity with a ring made out of threads from his shirt. 新郎是在两人被囚禁期间求婚的,求婚时用的戒指是用他自己衬衫里的线做成的。好的, 今天我们学习的词是captivity, captivity, captivity...