今天我们要学的词是turnaround. Turnaround is spelled t-u-r-n-a-r-o-u-n-d; turnaround. Turnaround是好转的意思。The once-troubled Japanese electronics manufacturer Hitachi is now undergoing one of the most remarkable turnarounds in Japanese corporate history. 一度陷入危机的日本电子产品制造商日立公司目前正经历日本企业史上最成功的大翻盘。U.S. presidential candidate Mitt Romney claimed that he should be given credit for the turnaround of the auto industry. 美国总统候选人米特.罗姆尼声称,美国汽车工业复苏也有他的一份功劳。Finnish mobile-phone maker Nokia's turnaround strategy found few supporters among shareholders at its annual meeting. 在芬兰手机制造业商诺基亚公司的股东年会上,公司的复兴战略没有得到什么支持。好的, 今天我们学习的词是turnaround,turnaround, turnaround...