
China is set to fully liberalize its interest rate within one or two years, in a bid to further reform the financial sector, the Central Bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan said on Tuesday at a news briefing during the two sessions.
To liberalize interest rate和interest rate liberalization均表示“利率市场化”,指金融机构在货币市场经营融资的利率水平,由市场供求(supply and demand)来决定。其中,存款利率市场化(deposit rate liberalization)作为利率市场化的一部分将在近一两年内实现。
除利率市场化以外,金融改革(financial reform)涉及的领域还有:人民币国际化(yuan globalization),银行监管(banking regulations),私募基金(private equity),以及债务风险控制(debt risks control)等。