
Beijing will issue a new urban planning strategy by the end of this year that will for the first time contain a plan to preserve large and green "air corridors". An urban air corridor is a new field being researched by ecological departments both at the city and national levels.
“城市通风廊道”就是urban air corridor,简称“风道”。通过留出通风廊道,可以借助风的力量驱散pollutants and hot air(污染物和热空气)。
专家指出,通风廊道必须够长够宽,而且应在风道上广泛布绿,同时要控制主要风道两侧density and height of buildings(建筑物的密度和高度)。目前实现风道除霾还有不少障碍,包括风道附近的许多heavy-polluting industries(重污染工业)。在人口密集的市中心地区,除霾的最佳方法依然是reducing emissions intensity(降低排放强度)。