Scantily-clad models could become a thing of the past as the organizing committee
of the Shanghai auto show says it is considering barring them. Jing Wei / For China Daily
Auto show models may no longer be seen at one of the country's most important auto shows, the Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition, scheduled for April.
“车模”可以用 auto show model/car show model 表示,近年来,很多车展(auto/car show)靠穿着暴露的(scantily-clad/over-revealing)模特吸引眼球,使得车展变了味道,成为“肉展”(flesh shows)。
上海国际车展的负责人表示,为回归车展本义(restore the essence of the exhibition)、营造文明车展(provide a more civilized atmosphere),正在征询各方意见,考虑采取一些相关改进措施,不排除取消模特等。
消息一出,立即引发热议。支持者表示,此举有利于让顾客聚焦产品的质量与技术(quality and technology),反对者认为,“一刀切”的做法并不明智,要使车展“回归”,应该从各个环节上彻底清除低俗竞争(vulgar competition)的隐患,把“肉模”从车模队伍中清除出去,不应该把全部问题都归结到正常的车模身上。
与模特相关的词,如局部模特(body parts model),平面模特(still model),时装模特(fashion model),手模(hand model),脚模(foot model),唇模(lip model),发模(hair model),腿模(leg model)等。