Starting from June 1, internet police in 50 localities - including both metropolises such as Beijing and Shanghai as well as small, impoverished city such as Bijie in southwest China's Guizhou Province - will officially launch their own accounts on popular social networking services including Weibo and Wechat.
“网警”就是我们所说的“网络警察”用英文 internet police/cyber police 表示,指目前正在从事公共信息网络安全监察工作的人民警察。
此次公安部部署的网警公开巡查执法机制旨在及时发现网络各种违法犯罪信息和有害信息(sniff out illegal and harmful information on the internet),依法震慑制止网络违法犯罪(deter and prevent cyber crimes)和网上不良言行 (improper words and deeds),发布典型网络犯罪案例和处理公众举报(handle public tip-offs)。网警不仅由幕后走向台前(come out to the front stage from behind the curtains),而且全面提高网上见警率(police visibility)。
我国公安机关的警察按照职责不同分为治安警察(public security officer)、户籍警察(household registration officer)、刑事警察(criminal police)、交通警察(traffic police)、巡逻警察(patrol police)、外事警察(foreign affairs police officer)等。