Trees on Nanchang Road are putting others in the shade as they display their new clothes courtesy of a group of knitting enthusiasts who are bringing the yarn bombing craze to Shanghai. (Photo by Wang Rongjiang)
Trees in front of a primary school on Nanchang Road are all set for winter, wearing colorful crocheted and knitted scarves and sweaters thanks to the latest craze to hit the city — yarn bombing.
Yarn bombing从字面意思可以翻译为“丝线大爆炸”,人们通常称之为“针织涂鸦”或“游击编织”,就是用七彩编织毛线,包裹街道、灯柱、路牌,汽车、巴士、雕塑等大型物件的街头艺术,也可以用urban knitting、Knit-ffiti、Guerrilla knitting、graffiti knitting 表示。针织涂鸦由美国德州艺术家 Magda Sayeg发起,已席卷全球多个城市。
据悉,这些“树毛衣”(tree sweaters)是一群外国人为梧桐树“穿”上的,上海市绿化和市容管理局有关负责人也“穿毛衣”一事表态,只要不在树木上乱刻乱画,不破坏树木、影响其生长,他们并不反对,“穿毛衣”是一种不错的城市创意。