“如果我的眼神能杀人,你已经死过千遍万遍了。”这句台词不记得出自哪里,但是似乎被很多人都用过。的确,有时候,满含敌意又冰冷的眼神,真的会让人不寒而栗的。不过,英文中death stare这个说法竟然出自一个游戏人物,这是不是有点儿戏了?
Death stare is a hostile or contemptuous look directed at a particular person, also known as a ‘death glare'.
Death stare is a hostile or contemptuous look directed at a particular person, also known as a ‘death glare'.
“死亡瞪”(death stare)指用满怀敌意或轻蔑的目光直视某个人的眼神,也叫death glare。
The term got popular after the release of Mario Kart 8 in 2014, in which Luigi's ice-cold reaction to the administration was called the Luigi death stare by players.
Some death stares can still be effective even if the starer is wearing sunglasses. For example: Bruce gave her a death stare that was even detectable through his sunglasses.