A Volkswagen company logo adorns the VW factory in Wolfsburg, Germany November 20, 2015. Text reads : 'We need transparency, openness, energy and courage.'[Photo/Agencies]
A Volkswagen company logo adorns the VW factory in Wolfsburg, Germany November 20, 2015. Text reads : 'We need transparency, openness, energy and courage.'[Photo/Agencies]
A domestic environmental group has filed an environmental public interest lawsuit against Volkswagen over the company's cheating on emissions readings. It is the first public-interest lawsuit in China related to pollution from automobile exhaust.
环境公益诉讼(environmental public interest lawsuit)即有关环境保护方面的公益性诉讼(public interest lawsuit/public interest litigation),是指由于自然人、法人、或其他组织的违法行为或不作为,使环境公共利益遭受侵害或即将遭受侵害时,法律允许其他的法人、自然人或社会团体为维护公共利益而向人民法院提起的诉讼。
中国绿发会(China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation)在起诉书称:被告为了追求低成本高利润(for the pursuit of higher profits),进口故意制造的不合格汽车,恶意规避中国法律法规的监管(circumvent Chinese laws),加重了大气污染(worsen the air pollution),损害了民众的健康,侵犯了社会公共利益,违反了产品质量、环境保护、侵权责任(tort liability)等多部法律、法规、规章的规定,造成了严重的环境损害后果,应该承担环境侵权的法律责任。