Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, also a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, speaks at the Central Economic Work Conference in Beijing, capital of China. The conference was held in Beijing from Dec. 18 to Dec. 21. (Xinhua/Yao Dawei)
China's top leadership wrapped up the four-day Central Economic Work Conference on Monday, pledging to take measures to boost reforms and innovation to ensure steady economic growth in 2016.
供给侧结构性改革(supply-side structural reform)/供给侧改革(supply-side reform):
供给多与需求对应,需求侧有投资、消费、出口(investment, consumption, export)三驾马车,供给侧则有劳动力、土地、资本、创新(labor, land, capital, innovation)四大要素。供给侧结构性改革旨在调整经济结构,使要素实现最优配置,提升经济增长的质量和数量。
会议强调,推进供给侧结构性改革,是适应和引领经济发展新常态(new normal)的重大创新,是适应国际金融危机发生后综合国力竞争新形势的主动选择,是适应我国经济发展新常态的必然要求。
五大任务(five major tasks):
1. 去产能(cut excessive industrial capacity):积极稳妥化解产能过剩。要尽可能多兼并重组(merger and reorganization)、少破产清算,做好职工安置工作。要严格控制增量,防止新的产能过剩。
2. 去库存(destocking):化解房地产库存。通过加快农民工市民化(urbanization of migrant workers),扩大有效需求,打通供需通道,消化库存,稳定房地产市场。
3. 去杠杆(de-leveraging):会议强调,防范化解金融风险(financial risk)。
4. 降成本(lower corporate costs):要开展降低实体经济企业成本行动,打出“组合拳”。
5. 补短板(improve weak links):扩大有效供给(expand effective supply)。
财政赤字率(fiscal deficit ratio):
会议明确,要阶段性提高财政赤字率(fiscal deficit ratio needs to be raised gradually),实行减税政策。今年我国赤字率约2.3%。我国进入推进结构性改革攻坚阶段,适当提高赤字率,有助于保障民生支出,开拓减税空间,为企业降低成本。