Amid a widening probe, three major humidifier disinfectant makers in South Korea have apologized to the public for their problematic products.
这是自五年前,首例加湿器致死事件(humidifier-caused death)曝光后,加湿器杀菌剂制造商(humidifier disinfectant makers)首次正式道歉(make official apologies)。三家制造商均表示将配合检方调查(cooperate with the prosecutors' investigation)。
三家制造商还表示将对受害者及家属作出相应赔偿(provide due compensation to the victims and their families)。据报道,由于加湿器杀菌剂引起的肺损伤(lung damages)已致数百人死亡。
假冒伪劣商品 counterfeit or poor quality products
消费者权益consumers’ rights and interests
消费活动中的造假事件和侵权行为 counterfeit issues and infringement acts during consumption activities
售后服务 after sale service
销售欺诈 sales fraud
强制消费行为 compulsory consumption
夸大和误导性宣传 exaggerated and misleading advertising
黑心食品 fake food