Didi Chuxing, a car-booking mobile app, is shown on a mobile phone, Sept 17, 2015. [Photo/IC]
A car-hailing app driver who robbed and killed a 24-year-old woman passenger on Monday in the southern city of Shenzhen has been arrested in Baoan district on Tuesday, according to Nanshan district police.
A teacher surnamed Zhong booked a ride on the car-hailing platform from Nanshan to her school at Baoan Monday evening.
She took a photo of the vehicle's license plate and sent it to her family before she got into the vehicle.
The suspect received Zhong's order and picked her up around 9 pm on Monday. He drove to an isolated area and used a knife to force her to hand over her valuables and then killed her.
She did not call back home till 11 pm and her phone was off. The woman's husband called the car-hailing platform late Monday and discovered that the driver had cancelled the ride, and the driver could not be reached as his phone was off. The family reported the matter to police.
这两年,关于叫车软件(car-hailing apps)到底该不该被合法化的问题一直都是热议话题。叫车软件除了提供常规的出租车叫车服务(taxi-hailing service)以外,还延伸出了专车(tailored taxi service)、顺风车(ride sharing)、快车(fast ride)等不同级别的车辆定制服务,的确为公众的出行提供了不少便利。
与此同时,叫车软件平台接入的车辆司机资质审核一直受到关注。据深圳市交通委发布的一份报告显示,在叫车软件平台登记运营的司机中,约有1425人曾有滥用毒品记录(drug abuse),另有1662人曾有严重刑事犯罪记录(serious criminal records )。