A smartphone with an Android operating system and the Baidu Browser application is seen in this picture illustration taken February 22, 2016. [Photo/Agencies]
The head of Baidu Inc has pledged to shift the company's business from a search-oriented model to one based on artificial intelligence, after a recent government probe on its core search business.
Baidu CEO Li Yanhong said in an internal letter on Tuesday that the shift will allow the company to develop such areas as voice search, automatic translation and driverless vehicles.
商业模式(business model)简单说来,就是一个公司靠什么来挣钱。百度作为国内的搜索引擎巨头(search engine giant),其商业模式自然就是以搜索为主(search-oriented model),其中,竞价排名(paid listing)为其带来了不少收入。
此次调查后,李彦宏表示:“重新审视公司产品的商业模式,是否因过度变现而影响用户体验(damage user experience),对于不尊重用户体验的行为要彻底整改。我们要建立起用户体验审核的一票否决制度(veto system),由专门的部门负责监督,违背用户体验原则的做法,一票否决(the department will have the final say to veto any behavior that is not in line with a good user experience),任何人都不许干涉。”
此外,对于商业推广结果,改变过去以价格为主的排序机制,改为以信誉度为主、价格为辅的排序机制(a new listing system that does not fully depend on the advertising price, but also considers advertisers' "reputation")。
其他整改措施还包括:对商业推广信息逐条加注醒目标识(place clear disclaimers on advertisements),并予以风险提示;严格限制商业推广信息比例,每页面不得超过30%(restrict the proportion of sponsored search results to 30 percent per web page);设10亿元保障基金,先行赔付网民因推广信息遭受的损失(establish a 1 billion yuan fund to compensate netizens cheated by false promotions)。