Microsoft Corp. and Xiaomi Inc. have expanded their global partnership to provide innovative user experiences on mobile devices. As part of the agreement, Xiaomi will ship Microsoft Office and Skype on Xiaomi Android smartphones and tablets.
The companies’ new collaboration also includes a cross-license and patent transfer agreement.
这里的“预装”用了ship这个词,原意是“船只”或者“把(物品)装上船”,用在电子设备领域就指“安装(软件)”,比如:Microsoft's next version of Windows will ship with tons of security features.(微软的下一版Windows将安装多个安全功能软件。)
另外,英文报道中讲到某个品牌产品的“出货量”时多用shipment来表示,比如:Huawei regained its leading position, with shipments of 16.5 million units to China in the latest quarter. (本季度,华为重返领先位置,在中国的产品出货量达到1650万件。)
上面的报道中还提到两个商务合作中的专业词汇,cross-license agreement和patent transfer。
Cross-license agreement指持有专利权的几方签署协议允许对方使用自己的专利(a contract between two or more parties where each party grants rights to their intellectual property to the other parties),即“专利交叉许可”。
Patent transfer很好理解,就是通过一系列商业交易手段达成“专利转让”。
从 2016年9月起,包括小米5, 小米Max, 小米4s, 红米Note3和红米3在内的小米安卓设备将预装微软Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook和Skype应用在内的一系列应用。具体预装产品因设备、市场和移动运营商情况而会有所不同(specific offerings may vary by device, market and mobile operator)。