Hiddleswift? T-Swifty-son? TNT(Taylor and Tom的缩写)?还是Swiddleston?
我们来看看最先爆出这组照片的英国媒体《The Sun》是如何描述现场情形的。
The pair – who had an instant spark after dancing during the Met Gala – locked lips during a romantic day out on a beach in the US state of Rhode Island.
两人在美国罗德岛一处海滩浪漫出游,深情拥吻。二人此前在 Met Gala上共舞时就已擦出火花。
An onlooker revealed: “They were all over each other – hugging and kissing – even though there were 20 people coming and going on the beach.
“They looked like any young couple madly in love without a care in the world.”
A source close to Taylor revealed: “Tom has been courting Taylor since they met – he sent her flowers. She’s been won over.”
这里关于两人在一起PDA(public display of affection,公开秀恩爱)的描述包括:
lock lips:字面意思“嘴唇锁在一起”,实际意思“接吻”。
be all over each other:又抱又亲,两人粘在一起的感觉,用“如胶似漆”来表示应该比较恰当。
Tom has been courting Taylor:这里的court指“追求”,如果说Tom and Taylor are courting就表示“他们在恋爱”。
She’s been won over:win someone over表示“赢得某人的支持”或者“把某人争取过来”,这里的意思是,Tom通过送花等攻势,终于赢得了Taylor的芳心。
外媒的报道中还用canoodling或者make out来形容二人的亲密行为。
canoodling的动词形式为canoodle,指“亲吻爱抚”,一般用法为A is canoodling with B或者they are canoodling。
make out在表达“爱抚、亲热”的基础上,有时候还表示更进一步的亲密行为。
媒体报道还提到两人在岛上一起摆pose自拍,take selfies together,像这种一对情侣一起的自拍英语里有个专门的词叫couplie,也就是couple和selfie的合成形式。
move on:分手以后开始新生活
The 26-year-old superstar singer has moved on to The Night Manager actor, who is 35, just two weeks after dumping Scottish DJ Calvin Harris.
break-up:分手,动词形式break up, A broke up with B/they broke up
split:分手, they split last month
the relationship was called off:恋爱关系取消,分手