The central government on Thursday issued a guideline on taking better care of children who live in difficulties due to poverty, disabilities or lack of custody.
The guideline, issued by the State Council, stressed ensuring subsistence, basic medical care, schooling, custody and other forms of assistance for children in difficulty.
困境儿童(children in difficulty/children living in difficulty)包括:
因家庭贫困导致生活、就医、就学等困难的儿童(children who grow up in poverty and thus have poor access to medical treatment or education),
因自身残疾导致康复、照料、护理和社会融入等困难的儿童(children who have difficulty in receiving rehabilitation and nursing due to their disabilities),
以及因家庭监护缺失或监护不当遭受虐待、遗弃、意外伤害、不法侵害等导致人身安全受到威胁或侵害的儿童(children who are subject to abuse, abandonment, or accidental injuries for lack of or improper family custody)。
《意见》提出的保障措施除了生活保障和医疗保障以外,还提出对家庭困难的残疾儿童,积极推进包括义务教育、高中阶段教育在内的12年免费教育(12-year free education for disabled children in financially challenged families),推动建立随班就读支持保障体系。对监护缺失、监护不力和不当的困境儿童(children with no or incompetent guardians),分类明确了替代监护的责任主体和相应程序,同时对缺少监护人的服刑人员和强制隔离戒毒人员未成年子女(underage children of prisoners and drug addicts isolated in mandatory detoxification institutions)等做了相应安排。