Apple has scrapped its longstanding free-of-charge return policy in Hong Kong and Macao, in a sign of the tech giant's determination to deter scalpers from making a quick buck on its newly launched handsets.
Apple had previously allowed customers in Hong Kong and Macao to return the undamaged products for free, with the original receipt and packaging, within 14 days of the pick-up date.
我们购买商品时,商家一般都会在发票或者产品标签上注明“退换货政策”(return and exchange policy),一般来说,退换货时携带原始购物小票(original receipt)是一个必需条件,另外,有些商家还会要求退换的商品外包装完好无损,不影响二次销售(keep the original packaging undamaged and will not affect reselling of the product)。
此次政策调整涉及所有苹果和Beats的产品。在购买后的14天内如果手机以及配件包装已拆封,每件退货产品将收取25%的开箱费(open box fee),而对于未拆封的,每件收取15%的重新包装费(restocking fee)。并且,产品只能在原始购买国家/地区退货,退款也无法汇至香港以外的地方。
另外,苹果香港官网上还特地推出了关于“大量购买产品的退货”(return policy for mass purchases)规定,如果单次或者累计购买超过4部产品,如果要退货的话必须在收到产品之日起7天内退货;每个产品收取25%的包装费用以及必须退至最初购买产品的Apple Store。