2017年6月27日,“2017姚基金慈善赛”在香港南华体育会举行新闻发布会,公布7月29至31日进行一系列慈善活动,其中慈善篮球赛将于7月30日在香港体育馆举行,由中国男子篮球明星队对阵美国NBA明星队。 新华社记者卢炳辉摄
Third sector refers to the part of the economy that includes charity and religious work, philanthropy, and volunteerism.
Most people understand the role of governments and corporations in society and know the terms “public sector” and “private sector.” However, few people know anything about a third sector of society that is focused on meeting the needs of citizens in communities.
This third sector is called the “civic sector” and includes nonprofit organizations, faith institutions, foundations, private schools, theaters, volunteer groups, sports leagues and any other group not operated by government or corporations that meets local needs.