A young visitor views a specimen made from panda Xin Ni'er in Chengdu, Sichuan province, last month. It is the world's first plastinated panda specimen. Provided To China Daily
The public can expect to see more exhibitions of preserved giant pandas now that the world's first specimens have been converted into plastic and put on display at the Mystery of Life Museum in Chengdu, Sichuan province.
据介绍,生物塑化标本(plastinated specimen)理论上可以保存上千年。传统的动物皮毛标本,每年至少维护一到两次,否则就会生虫腐烂,但塑化皮毛只需要擦灰就行。
通过生物塑化技术展示的“新妮儿”有可爱的模样,还有详实的内部结构,包括皮肤、肌肉、骨骼和内脏(skin, muscles, skeleton, and internal organs)。参观者可以近距离观察,甚至可以用手触摸。为了适应素食生活,大熊猫的身体结构发生了转变,因为要握住竹子(hold bamboo stalks),大熊猫的手部逐渐进化为6指。第六指也被称为“假六指”(pseudo finger)。
塑化大熊猫 plastinated panda specimen
熊猫茶 panda tea
熊猫粪便 panda droppings/panda dung
熊猫债券 panda bond(境外和多边金融机构等在华发行的人民币债券)
熊猫外交 panda diplomacy(中国将“国宝”大熊猫赠送给关系友好的国家,以增进两国之间的友谊)