The OS-X, China’s first privately built carrier rocket, is prepared for its suborbital flight on Thursday. It traveled 273 kilometers and hit Mach 5.7. WAN NAN / FOR CHINA DAILY
The OS-X suborbital rocket, developed and made by OneSpace Technology. It flew 306 seconds and traveled 273 kilometers through the atmosphere before falling back to the ground, the company said.
“重庆两江之星”为零壹空间OS-X系列的首型火箭,也是中国首枚民营自研商用亚轨道火箭(China's first commercial sub-orbital rocket designed and built by a private enterprise)。该火箭长度9米,总重7200公斤。
该火箭可灵活配置燃气舵(gas rudder)、空气舵(air rudder)、姿控动力(attitude control)等多种控制机构,并具有很强的控制能力,可以根据用户的需求进行定制化设计,能够满足飞行试验所需的各类复杂飞行弹道。
首飞实现了长时间临近空间有控飞行(a long, controllable flight),获取了大量真实飞行环境数据。值得一提的是,本次飞行试验中,零壹空间开展了国内首次“减阻杆(drag-mitigating pole)”“低成本能源(low-cost energy)”“箭上无线通讯(built-in wireless communications devices)”等创新技术的研究,为简化火箭系统设计、降低研制成本打下了坚实基础。
重型运载火箭 heavy-lift carrier rocket
运载能力 payload capacity
起飞重量 liftoff weight
载人空间站 manned space station
无污染燃料 pollution-free fuel
载人飞船 manned spacecraft
空间对接 space docking
近地轨道 low-Earth orbits