The concept design for the Hong Kong Palace Museum. /Photo via
The Hong Kong Palace Museum was designed under an agreement between the HKSAR and the Palace Museum located at Beijing’s Forbidden City in 2017, and once built, it will display treasures and cultural relics from the Forbidden City. The two museums will also cooperate in exhibitions, staff training and cultural communication.
据悉,香港故宫文化博物馆计划占地约1万平方米,总建筑面积逾3万平方米。坐落于西九文化区西部海滨,毗邻艺术公园。香港故宫文化博物馆由香港著名设计师严迅奇设计,楼高7层,馆内主要设施包括陈列展厅(exhibition hall)、临时展览厅(temporary exhibition hall)、数字展示区(digital display area)、综合活动室(activity room)等。其中,展览厅总面积共计7600平方米,用于展出来自故宫博物院的金器、铜器、玉器、书画、陶瓷(gold, bronze and jade items, paintings, and ceramic objects),以及有关宫廷生活的文物(displays on life in the Imperial Court),让游客获得丰富的文化体验。
根据《兴建香港故宫文化博物馆合作协议》议定,故宫博物院在香港故宫文化博物馆展览的文物,将分为长期展出的常设展览(long-term exhibitions)和临时展出的特别展览(special exhibitions)。常设展览的展期一般为一年,根据展览需要以及国家规定,可申请适当延期。
太和殿(the Hall of Supreme Harmony)
中和殿(the Hall of Central Harmony)
保和殿(the Hall of Preserving Harmony)
养心殿(the Hall of Mental Cultivation)
交泰殿(the Hall of Union)
乾清宫(the Palace of Heavenly Purity)
坤宁宫(the Palace of Earthly Tranquility)
翊坤宫(the Palace of Earthly Honor)
永和宫(the Palace of Eternal Harmony)
慈宁宫(the Palace of Compassion and Tranquility)
永寿宫(the Palace of Eternal Longevity)
钟翠宫(Palace of Accumulated Purity)
景仁宫(the Palace of Great Benevolence)
储秀宫(the Palace of Gathered Elegance)
宁寿宫(the Palace of Tranquil Longevity)
御花园(the Imperial Garden)
九龙壁(Nine-dragon Screen Wall)