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    President Xi Jinping awarded his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin the first-ever Friendship Medal of the People's Republic of China.



    6月8日,中华人民共和国“友谊勋章”颁授仪式在北京人民大会堂金色大厅隆重举行。国家主席习近平向俄罗斯总统普京授予首枚“友谊勋章”。新华社记者 申宏 摄

    根据《中华人民共和国国家勋章和国家荣誉称号法》,国家设立中华人民共和国“友谊勋章”(Friendship Medal),授予为我国社会主义现代化建设和促进中外交流合作、维护世界和平作出杰出贡献的外国人(foreigners who have made outstanding contributions to China's socialist modernization drive, in promoting exchange and cooperation between China and the world, and in safeguarding world peace),为国家最高荣誉(the highest state honor)。

    The introduction of the Friendship Medal is designed to convey the basic ideas of friendship, peace, fairness, and justice to the world by setting up models of friendship between China and foreign countries, and to promote the world's understanding of China.



    中华人民共和国“友谊勋章”章体以金色、蓝色为主色调,采用和平鸽、地球、握手、荷花(a peace dove, the Earth, a handshake, and a lotus)等元素,章链采用中国结、万年青、牡丹花、玉璧、兰草等元素(the chain features elements such as Chinese knots, evergreens, peonies, a jade disc and orchids),整体采用花丝镶嵌(filigree and inlay)、掐丝珐琅(cloisonne)等传统工艺手工制作。

    The design symbolizes the lasting friendship and solidarity between the Chinese people and the people of all other countries, as well as the hope for common prosperity and development around the world.





    “五章”是指“共和国勋章(the Medal of the Republic)”、“七一勋章(the July 1 Medal)”、“八一勋章(the August 1 Medal)”、“友谊勋章(the Friendship Medal)”以及国家荣誉称号(national titles of honor);“一簿”是指功勋簿(Book of Merit)。

    “共和国勋章(the Medal of the Republic)”(暂未颁授过)

    授予为党、国家和人民的事业作出巨大贡献、功勋卓著的杰出人士(those with great contributions and distinguished service for the Party, the country and the people),这是根据宪法法律规定,由全国人大常委会决定、国家主席签发证书并颁授的国家勋章,是国家最高荣誉(the highest honor of the country)。

    “七一勋章(the July 1 Medal)”(暂未颁授过)

    授予在中国特色社会主义伟大事业和党的建设新的伟大工程中作出杰出贡献的党员(CPC members who have made great contributions to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the construction of the CPC),这是由中共中央决定、中共中央总书记签发证书并颁授的党内最高荣誉(the highest honor of the CPC)。

    “八一勋章(the August 1 Medal)”(于2017年7月28日首次颁授)

    授予在维护国家主权、安全、发展利益,推进国防和军队现代化建设中建立卓越功勋的军队人员(servicemen and women who have strongly safeguarded the country's sovereignty, national security and benefit, and who have made outstanding contributions to the development of national defense and the modernization of the military),这是由中央军委决定、中央军委主席签发证书并颁授的军队最高荣誉(the highest honor of the military)。


    “友谊勋章(the Friendship Medal)”(于2018年6月8日首次颁授)

    授予为我国社会主义现代化建设和促进中外交流合作、维护世界和平作出杰出贡献的外国人(foreigners who have made outstanding contributions to China's socialist modernization drive, promoted exchange and cooperation between China and the world, and helped maintain world peace),为国家最高荣誉。

    国家荣誉称号(national titles of honor)

    授予在经济、社会、国防、外交、教育、科技、文化、卫生、体育等各领域各行业作出重大贡献、享有崇高声誉的杰出人士(prominent figures who have made great contributions and earned reputations in fields such as economy, society, national defense, diplomacy, education, science, culture, health and sports)。

    功勋簿(Book of Merit)

    为记载上述功勋荣誉获得者及其功绩(to keep a record of these medal recepients and their achievements),还专门设立了党、国家、军队功勋簿。

      上一篇:牛津热词:三角巧克力通道 下一篇:中国互联网大佬的高考故事


