A national cloud platform to help people locate toilets has served more than 100,000 users since Nov 19, the day it popped up online as part of China's so-called toilet revolution, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development said on Wednesday.
“城市公厕云平台(cloud platform of city toilets)”技术负责人介绍,通过公众号、小程序和APP,可以为广大民众提供公厕一键查询、导航服务(search and navigation)、入厕评论、问题反馈(comments and feedbacks)等服务,并可实现社会厕所资源的共享。
The database comprises 19,000 public restrooms in 216 cities across 19 provinces, the ministry said.
“厕所革命”(toilet revolution)是国家旅游局自2015年起在全国范围内开展的旅游厕所建设和管理行动,旨在用三年时间解决旅游厕所的数量过少(insufficient number of tourist restrooms)、卫生质量低劣(unhygienic conditions)、以及管理缺位(lack of management)问题。
《全国旅游厕所建设管理新三年行动计划(2018-2020)》指出,从2018到2020年,全国将新建、改扩建旅游厕所6.4万座(install or upgrade 64,000 toilets at tourist destinations),达到“数量充足、分布合理,管理有效、服务到位,环保卫生、如厕文明”(to build a sufficient number of reasonably distributed, well-managed, and eco-friendly tourist toilets with considerate services and sound sanitation conditions where civilized behaviors are expected)的新三年目标。