The closing ceremony of the 18th Asian Games is held at Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) Main Stadium in Jakarta, Indonesia, Sept 2, 2018.[Photo/Xinhua]
The 18th Asian Games drew to a successful end with a stellar closing ceremony on Sunday as Asian sports power China again dominated medal table of the multi-sport event.
本届亚运会中,中国健儿在38个大项、376个小项的比赛中共取得132金92银65铜(132 gold, 92 silver and 65 bronze medals)。传统优势项目仍然是争金夺牌的主力军,在游泳、田径、跳水、乒乓球、体操等大项上中国体育代表团极具优势。
China's star sprinter Su Bingtian wins men's 100m gold in 9.92 seconds at Asian Games in Jakarta. [Photo/VCG]
孙杨领衔的中国泳军夺得19金17银14铜;女神刘湘有超出"颜值"的表现(stunning performance),在女子50米仰泳项目(the women's 50m backstroke)中以破世界纪录成绩夺金。中国体操队捍卫了亚洲霸主的地位,包揽了分量最重的男团、女团、男子全能(the men's individual all-around final)、女子全能4枚金牌,还拿到4个单项冠军;田径赛场最具分量的男子100米(the men's 100m race)金牌被苏炳添摘得,他以9秒92破赛会纪录(break the game's record)的成绩夺冠,中国速度让全亚洲彻底折服。
值得注意的是,本届亚运会中国派出了相对年轻的体育代表团(send a relatively young delegation)。在总共845名运动员中,有631人既没参加过奥运会,也无亚运会参赛经验(they have participated in neither the Olympics nor the Asian Games),占比高达74.6%。
"The Asian Games can serve as a mid-term exam for us in build-up to the Tokyo Olympics," Chinese delegation general secretary Liu Guoyong said. "The Games could let them have a feel for major international sporting events."
16岁的王简嘉禾是本届亚运会中国游泳女队的"夺金劳模",她豪取女子400米、800米、1500米自由泳和女子4×200米自由泳接力(women's 4×200m freestyle relay)4枚金牌。
中国田径军团也刮起了青春风暴,22岁的杨家玉首登亚运赛场就收获女子20公里竞走(the women's 20km race walk)金牌。另外,男子标枪银牌得主刘启臻、男子50公里竞走决银牌选手王钦等也都年纪轻轻。他们在印尼收获不只有奖牌,还有宝贵的经验。
Photo taken on Sept 2, 2018 shows the handover ceremony of the flag of Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) during the closing ceremony of the 18th Asian Games at the Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) Main Stadium in Jakarta, Indonesia. [Photo/Xinhua]
在当晚的亚运会闭幕式交接仪式环节中(flag handover ceremony held amid the closing ceremony),中国奥委会主席、国家体育总局局长苟仲文从亚奥理事会主席艾哈迈德亲王手中接过亚奥理事会会旗(the Olympic Council of Asia flag),并交给杭州市长徐立毅,自此亚运会正式进入"杭州时间(Hangzhou Time)"。杭州将于2022年举办下届亚运会,成为继北京、广州之后第三座举办这一体育盛会的中国城市(the third Chinese host of the sporting event after Beijing and Guangzhou)。