《王者荣耀》将实行最严实名制 接入公安权威数据
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    《王者荣耀》将实行最严实名制 接入公安权威数据

    A competitor plays Honour of Kings during the 2017 King Pro League Spring Season in Shanghai in April. [Photo provided to China Daily]

    Tencent Holdings, China's largest gaming and social media company, said it will introduce a real-name registration system for its popular Honour of Kings game to identify underaged players.


    腾讯方面宣布,《王者荣耀》的健康系统下周将全面升级。新用户在首次进入游戏时,会启动最严格的实名策略(real-name registration),接入公安权威数据平台进行校验(linking to public security database)。该项校验能够精准判断相关账号的实名信息是否为未成年人(identify under-age gamers),进而决定是否将此账号纳入到健康系统的防沉迷系统(anti-addiction system)中。
    《王者荣耀》将实行最严实名制 接入公安权威数据


    12周岁以下(含12周岁)未成年人每天在《王者荣耀》中限玩1小时(children under 12 limited to one hour a day),同时每日21:00-次日8:00之间禁玩;

    12周岁以上未成年人每天限玩2小时(those between 13 and 18 limited to two hours),超出时间后将被强制下线,当天不能再玩(those who exceed the time limit will be forced offline and denied access to the game within the day);

    陆续增加“未成年人消费限额(place caps on the amount of money that underage users can spend on games)”功能,限制未成年人的非理性消费;

    升级成长守护平台(parental control platform),大幅降低操作门槛,家长只需要简单步骤就可以完成绑定,对未成年人子女的游戏账号进行健康行为的监护(monitor their children’s gaming account activities)。

    腾讯表示,此次实名制是从新用户开始,逐步完成覆盖,然后再将现有老用户纳入整体计划(existing users will be included in the policy),也会在其他游戏产品中逐步扩大公安权威数据平台的接入范围(more gaming products will have access to the public security database)。

    上周,教育部等八部委联合发布《综合防控儿童青少年近视实施方案》。其中国家新闻出版署提出要实施网络游戏总量调控(curb the number of new online games available to children),采取措施限制未成年人使用时间(take new measures to limit their time on games)。


    实名登记 real-name registration

    网络游戏 online game

    游戏成瘾 video game addiction

    防沉迷系统 anti-addiction system

    多人角色扮演游戏 multi-player role-playing game

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