The 2017-2018 China Film and Television Star Social Responsibility Report ranks Chinese celebrities according to three criteria: professional work, charitable actions and personal integrity.
《报告》通过辨析我国100名影响最大影视明星履行社会责任的相关情况指出,2018年影视明星社会责任指数(social responsibility index)平均得分仅为29.9分。徐峥以78.08分的指数得分位列第一,而范冰冰和陈赫则以0分垫底。
Only nine celebrities were deemed to be socially responsible enough, however, with a pass requiring a score of more than 60%.
“90后”、“00后”的年轻明星责任指数表现突出(outstanding performance in social responsibility);
有12部网络综艺及网络电视剧入选负责任影视作品(responsible film and television works),所占比例最高,成为中坚力量(backbone force);
中生代演员(middle-aged actors)参演负责任影剧作品,年青偶像(young idols)主攻负责任综艺节目(variety shows)。