俞敏洪就女性堕落言论道歉:女性强则男人强 则国家强
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    俞敏洪就女性堕落言论道歉:女性强则男人强 则国家强

    File photo of Yu Minhong. [Photo/VCG]

    Yu Minhong, founder of New Oriental Education and Technology Group, apologized for saying that the degeneration of Chinese women has led to the degeneration of the whole country-comments that have raised heated discussion online since Sunday.



    “如果中国所有的女生找男人的标准,都是这个男人会背唐诗宋词(the poetry of Tang Dynasty and the iambic verses of Song Dynasty),那全中国所有的男人都会把唐诗宋词背的滚瓜烂熟。如果说所有的女生都说,中国男人就是要他赚钱(gain a fortune),至于说他良心好不好我不管(do not care if they are good people),那所有的中国男人都会变成良心不好但是赚钱很多的男人。这正是中国现代女生挑选男人的标准(the current standard for Chinese women picking men)。
    俞敏洪就女性堕落言论道歉:女性强则男人强 则国家强

    Therefore, that's why we often say that women determine whether the country is good or not. And now the degeneration of Chinese women has led to the degeneration of the whole country.


    此番言论在网友中引起了轩然大波(cause a stir among netizens),也引发了各界的口诛笔伐。
    俞敏洪就女性堕落言论道歉:女性强则男人强 则国家强

    俞敏洪就女性堕落言论道歉:女性强则男人强 则国家强

    An education from Peking University and the success of New Oriental Education failed to help you understand the value of women and gender equality, even the meaning of equality.


    俞敏洪就女性堕落言论道歉:女性强则男人强 则国家强

    俞敏洪就女性堕落言论道歉:女性强则男人强 则国家强

    Today, when I tried to explain during a forum how the direction of evaluation determines the direction of education, I used the analogy of women's standards in looking for a husband. Because of my poor analogy, I caused misunderstanding among netizens, about which I'm very sorry.


    What I wanted to say was that the level of women in a country represents the level of the country. Well-educated women and mothers can cultivate well-educated children.


    Men are also guided by women's values. If women pursue an intellectual life, men will become more intelligent. If women care only about money, men will strive to make more money and ignore the cultivation of their spirit. If women are strong, then men are strong, then the country is strong.


    不过,大多数网友对此并不买账(do not accept his apology):
    俞敏洪就女性堕落言论道歉:女性强则男人强 则国家强
    俞敏洪就女性堕落言论道歉:女性强则男人强 则国家强

    A comment by Sina Weibo user Maysee said: "The level of women in a country does not represent the level of a country; rather, the level of how women are being treated in a country represents the level of a country."


    “我以为在男权社会(male-dominated society)里,女人是决不会有这种大力量的,兴亡的责任,都应该男的负。但向来男性的作者,大抵将败亡的大罪,推在女性身上,这真是一钱不值的没有出息的男人。”有网友引用文学家鲁迅的一段话得到了网友的赞许。

    俞敏洪就女性堕落言论道歉:女性强则男人强 则国家强
    俞敏洪就女性堕落言论道歉:女性强则男人强 则国家强

    一条被点赞2000次的评论称:“他说的是事实(he is telling the truth),就算这令人感到不快。”

    另一条评论称:“老俞的出发点是好的,他想唤醒那些价值观不正的人(awaken those who are not following the correct values)。”

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