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    A border guard in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, inpects bundles of waste textiles smuggled into China. [Photo/Xinhua]

    The Chinese government has introduced a tightened ban on solid waste imports, according to an official document.


    Effective on Dec 31, 2018, 32 types of solid waste will be banned from imports, according to the document released by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Commerce, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the General Administration of Customs.


    新增禁止进口固体废物包括五金器具、船只、汽车压件(auto parts)、不锈钢废碎料、钛废碎料、木废碎料(waste and scrap of stainless steel, titanium and wood)。

    上世纪80年代,我国开始进口固体废物作为一种原材料的来源(import solid waste as a source of raw materials)。多年来,尽管国内的垃圾处理能力较弱(a weak capacity in garbage disposal),我国一直是全球最大的固体废物进口国。近年来,部分企业为获利,非法将洋垃圾(foreign garbage)运入国内,对环境和公众健康造成威胁(pose a threat to the environment and public health)。

    2017年7月18日,中国正式通知世界贸易组织,从2017年年底开始将不再接收外来垃圾,包括废弃塑胶(plastic waste)、纸类(paper waste)及纺织品等。根据这份实施方案,2017年年底前,我国将全面禁止进口环境危害大、群众反映强烈的固体废物。

    随着政府加大对固体废物进口禁令的执行力度(step up enforcement on a ban on solid waste imports),今年前10个月,我国固体废物进口量进一步下降(imports of solid waste slumped further)。我国政府去年决定,2019年年底前,逐步停止进口国内资源可以替代的固体废物。


    循环利用 recycling

    危险废物 hazardous waste

    城镇生活垃圾 urban domestic garbage

    垃圾分类 garbage classification

    废物处理 waste disposal

    垃圾计量收费 garbage charged by weight

    环境破坏 environmental damage

    自然资源短缺 shortages of natural resources

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