A customer visits the China Mobile Hangzhou branch on July 3, 2018. [Photo/VCG]
BT Group has secured nationwide licences in China, becoming the first foreign telecommunication company to do so in the Asian economy. The two "value added licenses" will allow the UK telco to directly contract and bill customers in the Chinese market.
英国电信获得的两个“增值业务牌照(value added licenses)”分别为全国性国内IP-VPN牌照(nationwide Domestic IP-VPN license,虚拟专用网)、全国性互联网服务提供商牌照(Internet Service Provider license)。
这两个“牌照”将允许英电通讯信息咨询(上海)有限责任公司直接与其在中国国内的全球客户签订合约,并以人民币收费(enable BT customers in China to be billed in local currency)。
英国电信全球服务部首席执行官巴斯·伯格(Bas Burger)表示:
Being able to service and bill locally significantly simplifies the process of delivering connectivity and other communication services. It is what our customers expect from us and we are very grateful for the opportunity to do this as of today.
英国国际贸易大臣利亚姆·福克斯(UK's International Trade Secretary Liam Fox)也指出,此次英国电信获得牌照得益于中国政府与英国政府的紧密合作(the close cooperation between the UK and Chinese governments helped secure the licences for BT),使得该公司能够在中国全国范围开展业务。
中国信息通信研究院发布的《外商投资电信企业发展态势(2018年度)》报告显示,目前,我国外商投资经营电信业务主要集中在增值电信业务(value added telecom services)领域。截至2018年底,获得批准的外商投资电信企业共121家,同比增长39%。其中工业和信息化部颁发许可证的86家。
上述报告同时指出,从许可数量上看,在线数据处理与交易处理业务(data online trading and processing business)位居首位,信息服务业务(information services)居第二位,国内呼叫中心业务(domestic call center)仍居第三位,该三项业务许可数量占全部业务许可颁发数量的81%。
移动通信网络 mobile communication network
公用电话 pay phone
话费账单 phone bill
资费套餐 payment scheme
隐性收费 hidden charge
流量不清零服务 rollover data service