The Communist Party of China Central Committee is requiring that more efforts be made to solve problems arising from the practice of formalities for formalities' sake to reduce burdens on community-level officials.
这里的“基层”除了用community-level以外,也可以用grassroots-level表示。有些英文表达中使用primary-level来表示“基层”,不是很准确。Primary指“基层”时特指医疗卫生领域,仅用于primary care的语境(如primary care provider),不能扩大到任何行业的基层工作者,也就不能用来指“基层干部”。
一是层层大幅度精简文件和会议(the number of official documents and meetings should be drastically cut down by authorities of various levels);
二是明确中央印发的政策性文件原则上不超过10页(policy documents issued by the central government should be no more than 10 pages),地方和部门也要按此从严掌握;
三是提出地方各级、基层单位贯彻落实中央和上级文件,可结合实际制定务实管用的举措(practical measures should be taken to carry out the central leadership's instructions),除有明确规定外,不再制定贯彻落实意见和实施细则;
四是强调少开会、开短会(the number and length of meetings should be cut reduced),开管用的会,对防止层层开会作出规定。
针对有的地方和部门搞“责任甩锅”,把问责作为推卸责任的“挡箭牌”,《通知》要求严格控制“一票否决”事项(proceedings under the veto clause should be limited),不能动辄签“责任状”。
《通知》还要求对涉及城市评选评比表彰的各类创建活动(role model selecting campaigns)进行集中清理,优化改进各种督查检查考核和调研活动,不干扰基层正常工作。
工作作风 work style
形式主义 formalism
官僚主义 bureaucratism
享乐主义 hedonism
奢靡之风 extravagance
群众路线 mass line
自我净化 self-purification
自我完善 self-perfection
自我革新 self-renewal
自我提高 self-progression
全面从严治党 comprehensively strengthen Party discipline