Stays on the mainland of less than 24 hours will not be regarded as part of the 183-day threshold for paying individual income tax on the mainland.
Highly-skilled talents and those in urgent need from Hong Kong, Macao and overseas will benefit from tax concessions.
Residents of Hong Kong and Macao will be permitted to apply for jobs at public institutions in nine cities in Guangdong province within the Bay Area.
Efforts will be made to encourage young people from Hong Kong and Macao to participate in innovation and entrepreneurship programs in the nine cities.
Support will be provided to enable higher education establishments and scientific research institutes in Hong Kong and Macao to participate in Guangdong's scientific and technological programs.
Border clearance procedures will be simplified within the Bay Area.
The entry and exit of vehicles from Hong Kong and Macao to the mainland will see greater facilitation.
The scope of rapid customs clearance for goods across the three customs territories within the Greater Bay Area will be expanded.
粤港澳大湾区 the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
珠三角 the Pearl River Delta
国际一流湾区 international first-class bay area
世界级城市群 world-class city cluster
战略性新兴产业 strategic emerging industries
开放型经济新体制 new system of open economy