生活中,你是一个有主见(know one’s own mind)的人,还是一个人云亦云的“跟屁虫”?
“跟屁虫”原本指像影子一样跟在他人身后(follow somebody around like a shadow)的人,引申为没有自己的见解,盲目附和他人(repeat what others say),或没有自己的想法只会模仿他人的人(a person who copies what somebody else does because they have no ideas of their own),带有贬义。
I'm so tired of being your persistent follower.
A: 我上个星期剃了个头,然后这个星期他也去剃头了。
I shaved my head last week then this week he has shaved his.
B: 他真是个跟屁虫,很明显他想模仿你啊!
He's such a copycat. Obviously he wants to imitate you.