Guhehuayu, featuring different landscaping elements along a green belt encircling Beijing's Second Ring Road, has become a quiet place to retreat from the hyperactive pulse of city life in the heart of the metropolis. [Photo by ZHANG CHUANDONG/FOR CHINA DAILY]
In its assessments, Zhongguancun Street in Beijing's Haidian district was the most walker-friendly of the 71 urban centers in the 50 major cities evaluated.
报告指出,步行友好性(walkability)是宜居城市的重要指标之一(an important indicator of its livability)。步行友好的街道(a walking friendly street)不仅应有平整的铺装(smoothly surfaced)和遮阴的行道树(shade trees),让市民行走时感到安全舒适,在街道两侧还应有商店、餐馆等便民服务设施(accessible amenities)。
此次报告选取了包括直辖市、省会和地级市在内的50个城市,涉及城市中居住、就业和休闲功能分布最密集的核心区,称之为“城市活力中心”(city center/downtown)。通过对城市活力中心内街道环境的9项指标打分,得出街道环境指数。这9项指标包括步道无长期占道(footpaths free of long-time occupation)、过街设施(pedestrian crossings)、步道宽度适宜(footpaths of reasonable width)、机非隔离设施(buffers between the street and the sidewalk)、专用自行车道(bike lanes)、街道家具(street furniture)等。
A night view of the Beijing CBD on Sept 9, 2018. [Photo/IC]
在9项指标中,步道无长期占道、过街设施和步道宽度适宜是3项专家打分权重最高的指标(the most weighted three indicators),主要考察街道基本环境要素。单从这3项指标看,上海九江路和北京国贸CBD得分最高。此外,中关村在专用自行车道的得分上遥遥领先于其他城市活力中心(Zhongguancun Street scored the highest for its bike lane, way ahead of other city centers)。
与最好走街道屈指可数的情况相反,在71个城市活力中心的1.2万条道路中,最难走的道路(the most walker-unfriendly streets)有1329条,占所有测算范围内道路长度的8.1%。
健走 fast walk
横穿马路 jaywalking
过街天桥 overpass
(交通)环岛 roundabout
步道 footpath
交通拥堵费 congestion fee
自行车专用道 bike lane
公交车专用道 bus lane
人行横道 zebra crossing
人行道 sidewalk/pavement