A staff member of Cangzhou People's Hospital fills prescriptions of Traditional Chinese Medicine for patients in Cangzhou, north China's Hebei province, May 26, 2019. [Photo/Xinhua]
The World Health Organization (WHO) has for the first time included a chapter about traditional medicines that originated from ancient China in the International Classification of Diseases 11th Revision (ICD-11). The revision will come into effect on January 1, 2022.
国际疾病分类(International Classification of Diseases,ICD)是世界卫生组织制定颁布的、国际统一的疾病分类标准(the international standard for reporting diseases and health conditions),是各国政府在医疗、管理、教学和科研及制定政策中关于疾病分类的规范性标准,是全球卫生健康领域具有权威性的基础和通用标准之一。
世界卫生组织《总干事报告》指出,ICD-11 包括一个题为“传统医学病证——模块 1(Traditional medicine conditions – Module 1)”的备用补充章节,将起源于古代中国且当前在中国、日本、韩国和其它国家普遍使用的传统医学病证进行了分类(classifies traditional medicine conditions that originated in ancient China and are now commonly used in China, Japan, Republic of Korea and other countries)。将有关传统医学的补充章节纳入《国际疾病分类》将使我们第一次能够计数传统医学服务和就医情况,测量其形式、频率、有效性、安全性、质量、结果及费用(the measurement of their form, frequency, effectiveness, safety, quality, outcomes, cost),与主流医学进行对比(comparison with mainstream medicine),且因为在国家和国际层面都使用了标准化术语和定义而可以开展研究。
传统医学150条疾病(diseases)和196条证候(disorders)条目纳入传统医学章节,像“阴虚(yin deficiency)”“阳虚(yang deficiency)”等描述中医证候的词汇均在列。
A doctor gives acupuncture treatment to a patient at Cangzhou People's Hospital in Cangzhou, north China's Hebei province, May 26, 2019. [Photo/Xinhua]
"The release of ICD-11 can help China establish a disease statistics network with the country's TCM health service information according to international standards," said Zhang Boli, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, also president of the Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
China has signed specialized TCM cooperation agreements with over 40 countries, regions and organizations, built a group of TCM centers in countries and regions along routes of the Belt and Road, and opened hundreds of TCM institutes in more than 30 countries and regions.
此前,我们还报道过关于ICD-11的另一条新闻,就是该修订版将游戏成瘾列为精神疾病,将其定义为“一种持续或经常重复的游戏行为(数字游戏或电子游戏),其中既包含在线游戏也包含本地游戏(a pattern of persistent or recurrent gaming behavior ('digital gaming' or 'video-gaming'), which may be online (i.e., over the Internet) or offline)。”
中医 traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)
针灸 acupuncture
艾灸 moxibustion
拔罐 cupping therapy
中草药 Chinese herbal medicine