Chinese online service providers and users will be blacklisted if they fabricate, post or spread information that violates social morality, business ethnics or honesty toward the public, according to a proposed regulation.
Businesses and individuals offering technologies, devices or services to publish or broadcast fake information to disrupt cyberspace and damage society's interests will also be blacklisted, it said.
目前,这一管理办法正在公开征求意见(public opinion is now being solicited)。
近年来,我国一直致力于构建诚信网络(honest cyberspace)。2018年12月,中国网络诚信大会发布《中国电子商务诚信发展报告》,对大数据杀熟、“薅羊毛”、消费者数据泄露等话题进行了深入分析。一些电商也开始采用技术手段防止出现失信行为(prevent dishonest behavior),提升网络公信力(online credibility)。
信息基础设施建设 information infrastructure
云计算 cloud computing
产业互联网 industrial internet
人工智能 artificial intelligence