[Image by Shi Yu/China Daily]
China has unveiled measures to stabilize the job market, with steps to establish an early warning mechanism for large-scale layoffs and unemployment risks amid mounting downward pressure on the economy.
More than 7.37 million urban jobs were created in the first half of the year-two-thirds of the annual target-according to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.
此次国务院常务会议就下一步就业工作提出了工作要点,如采取更有力措施稳增长(stabilize growth)、助创业(promote entrepreneurship)。
It also called for stronger efforts to break barriers hindering the development of market entities and to create more jobs. Employment in labor-intensive sectors must be closely monitored, and an early warning mechanism for large-scale layoffs and unemployment risks will be established.
6月份,全国城镇调查失业率(surveyed unemployment rate)为5.1%。二季度末,全国城镇登记失业率(registered urban unemployment rate)为3.61%。
在今年3月份的政府工作报告(government work report)中,李克强总理表示,“就业优先政策要全面发力”(pursue an employment-first policy with full force)。在职业技能提升方面,人社部副部长汤涛日前在国新办吹风会上表示,已确定拿出1000亿元,用于职工技能提升和转岗转业培训(upgrading their skills or switching jobs or industries),今年补贴性培训规模将在1500万人次以上;今年高职院校大规模扩招100万人,将大幅增加中央财政对高职院校的投入,以实现经济迈向高质量发展。
人社部就业促进司司长张莹7月25日在人社部新闻发布会上表示,人社部将“稳定就业增长”作为下一步就业工作的首要目标,鼓励企业不裁员(avoid laying off workers)、少裁员(reduce the number of layoffs),支持企业吸纳就业。
一线城市 first-tier cities
优惠政策 favorable policies
政府补助 government subsidies
大学毕业生 university graduates