The global manufacturing sector is undergoing profound reforms, and it is important for different countries to improve their innovation capacity in the sector and promote reform in quality, efficiency and impetus. China attaches great importance to the growth of the manufacturing sector, adheres to an innovation-driven development strategy, and sees promoting the high-quality development of the manufacturing sector as an important part of developing a modern economic system.
9月20日在2019世界制造业大会上拍摄的舞剑机器人。 (图片来源:新华社)
In the face of new opportunities brought by new science and technology, every country has an equal right to development. Those who fail to keep abreast of the trend of the times will fall behind and become irrelevant. What we can and should do is to seize opportunities, increase input in innovation, focus on creating new areas of growth and replace old growth drivers with new ones. We should endeavor to advance structural reform, remove all institutional barriers to innovation and fully unlock innovation potential and energize the market.
mass innovation and entrepreneurship campaign
product innovation
open and innovative artificial intelligence platforms