无锡桥面侧翻事故搜救现场 (图片来源:新华社)
The collapse of an overpass in Wuxi, Jiangsu province, which killed three and injured two, was caused by heavily-overloaded vehicles, according to the transport authority.
这里的overpass指修建在道路、铁路等上方的通行道路,我们一般称为“高架桥”或“跨桥”,在英式英语中被称为flyover;而我们常见的bridge则多指架设在河流、山谷等自然障碍物的两侧,使其得以通行的道路,即“桥梁”(二者区别见下图)。大城市里常见的各种高架桥及道路组合而成的“立交桥”则叫做stack interchange或者butterfly junction。
上海一处立交桥 (图片来源: Denys Nevozhai @unsplash)
The bridge was constructed in 2005 and passed the acceptance check in 2007. The main body of the bridge is complete without any breakage or transverse cracks, and its design meets relevant standards.
A preliminary investigation suggests that an overweight semitrailer passing over the bridge caused the overpass to tip to one side. The investigation of the accident is ongoing.
下一步,交通运输部(the Ministry of Transport)将会同有关部门深刻剖析事故原因,及时进行事故警示,改进安全管理措施(improve safety management),加强重点领域、重点环节安全监管,确保同类事故悲剧不再重演(make sure that tragedy like this won't happen again)。
超速 speeding
超载 overloading
疲劳驾驶 fatigue driving
肇事逃逸 hit-and-run