我们来看看译词“国家治理能力”和“国家治理体系”国家治理能力national governance capacityChina’s national governance capacity refers to our capacity to administer various social affairs through the application of national systems.国家治理能力是运用国家制度管理社会各方面事务的能力。A country’s national governance system and governance capacity complement one another to form an organic whole.国家治理体系和治理能力是一个有机整体,相辅相成。国家治理体系national governance systemA country’s national governance system and governance capacity represent a concentrated embodiment of that country’s systems and its capacity to enforce those systems.国家治理体系和治理能力是一个国家制度和制度执行能力的集中体现。This plenary session has introduced the idea of promoting the modernization of our national governance system and governance capacity.这次全会提出要推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化。# 更多译词来源同文世纪翻译,转载请注明出处!招 聘