英语作为一门语言,有其与时俱进的特性。我们作为英语学习者,要时刻关注时事新闻,才能更好的实现语言的沟通性。下面是小编整理的关于每日一词|非同质化代币 A non-fungible token (NFT) 的资料,希望对你的英语学习有所帮助!
A non-fungible token(NFT)is a unit of data stored on a digital ledger, called a blockchain, that certifies a digital asset to be unique and therefore not interchangeable.
An NFT is a digital asset that represents real-world objects like art, music and videos. They are bought and sold online, frequently with cryptocurrency.
Physical money and cryptocurrencies are “fungible,” meaning they can be traded or exchanged for one another. NFTs are different.
以上就是每日一词|非同质化代币 A non-fungible token (NFT) 的全部内容,一起学起来吧!