英语解说豆知识2011年 Google +1按钮
教程:英语解说豆知识2011年  浏览:859  
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    Have you ever come home to a note that made life just a little bit easier? A tip from someone you trust that helps you find the things you care about. When you have lots of options in front of you, it's easy to find yourself wishing for a bit of advice. That's why we're introducing the +1, a way for you and your friends to help each other find great things in Google search.

    When you click +1, you're telling your friends, your family, and the rest of the world: this is something you should check out. Since people will find your recommendations right when they’re looking for them, you can +1 things you might not send an email or post an update about. And the next time you’re searching, you might see +1s from your friends and contacts both on Google search and search ads. So picking the right coffee maker, news article or chocolate chip cookie recipe could get a litter easier. And soon you’ll be able to +1 more than just search results. You’ll also find the +1 button on sites across the web, making it easy to +1 pages after you’ve visited them.

    The web is a big place. Sometimes it helps to have a tour guide. So if you think something is cool, +1!

      上一篇:英语解说豆知识2011年 Google eBook 下一篇:英语解说豆知识2011年 化妆品的故事 1

