1-- Miss Wang, how do you do? I’m Allan James, the director of human resourse department of this company.
2-- How do you do, Mr. James? Thank you for asking me to come in.
1-- Not at all. Please sit down, then we can begin.
2-- Thank you.
1-- As you know, Miss Wang, we are looking for an executive secretary with business background and good English skills. We looked into your resume and thought you might be a good candidate.
2-- Thank you.
1-- Today’s interview is for us to get to know a little about you. And the interview will last a little bit longer. So, if you’re comfortable, I want to ask you some questions.
2.executive secretary执行秘书
1-- 王小姐,你好。我是詹姆斯,这家公司的人力资源部主任。
2-- 您好,詹姆斯先生。谢谢您给我这个面试的机会。
1-- 别客气。请坐,我们开始吧。
2-- 谢谢。
1-- 王小姐,正如你所知道的,我们需要一位有经贸背景和相当英语水平的行政秘书。看了你的简历,我们认为你是一位不错的人选。
2-- 谢谢。
1-- 今天的面试是想对你有所了解。面试的时间可能比较长。如果你准备好了,我想问你一些问题。
2-- How do you do, Mr. James? Thank you for asking me to come in.
1-- Not at all. Please sit down, then we can begin.
2-- Thank you.
1-- As you know, Miss Wang, we are looking for an executive secretary with business background and good English skills. We looked into your resume and thought you might be a good candidate.
2-- Thank you.
1-- Today’s interview is for us to get to know a little about you. And the interview will last a little bit longer. So, if you’re comfortable, I want to ask you some questions.
2.executive secretary执行秘书
1-- 王小姐,你好。我是詹姆斯,这家公司的人力资源部主任。
2-- 您好,詹姆斯先生。谢谢您给我这个面试的机会。
1-- 别客气。请坐,我们开始吧。
2-- 谢谢。
1-- 王小姐,正如你所知道的,我们需要一位有经贸背景和相当英语水平的行政秘书。看了你的简历,我们认为你是一位不错的人选。
2-- 谢谢。
1-- 今天的面试是想对你有所了解。面试的时间可能比较长。如果你准备好了,我想问你一些问题。